Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy Halloween & 1 Month Old

Well, I'm a little late in posting my Halloween pictures. I had a few things going on!! I ended up working quite a bit last week and I must say, I'm not sure I'm ready to go back - but, Christmas will be here before you know it and I'm never as prepared as I should be!!

The kids had a great time for Halloween - Baili and Gage were out and suprisingly, the kids had more fun handing out candy at our door than they did going trick-or-treating. We ended up without a lot of candy, which certainly helps my new commitment to Weight Watchers. Monica went as the step-mother from Snow White, Jaxon went as an army guy, Gunnar went as a Dementor, Jerrick went as Tigger, then changed half way through the night into the wolf costume (that's way too small), Ryker went as a lion and Cannon just hung out in his cute pumpkin outfit that Grandma Carter gave him.

It's hard to believe that Cannon is already one month old. He's already getting big and thankfully, sleeping more during the night. The last few nights he's slept for at least 5 hours. It's been wondeful! I forgot how much I love my sleep and how much I've been missing it! Although there is something magical about cuddling a baby in the middle of the night when all is quiet. Ryker is still loving him to death. He hasn't tried carrying him, but loves to snuggle with him. The other kids love to fight over who will hold him, and if they get to hold him, it's only for about 30 seconds before they say, "Okay, I'm done!" Monica and Jaxon are of course, the exception - but if he starts crying they're very eager to hand him back!

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