Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rules According to Ryker

The other day Jerrick came in crying, the neighbor boy had pulled his hair. Ryker was concerned and told me that we needed new rules. So - here are Ryker's rules:
1. No pulling hair.
2. No saying bad words.
3. No pointing the middle finger.
4. No showing your butt or wiener.

So this is one of those posts that probably shouldn't be written..... but a friend posted on facebook, "Who taught Ryker how to flip the double bird?" I'm appalled, embarrassed, post back, "Did he really? Maybe he brother's dared him??" Then another post, "I got the double bird too." From another neighbor. So my thought is to hide under something and pretend this didn't happen. But honestly, if it was someone else's kid, I would be rolling with laughter. When it's your kid, the view is totally different.......

We had a little discussion the other night, which is probably why he listed the rules that he did, EXCEPT - no showing your butt..... I'm really not sure I should ask about this. I'm going to pretend that I have no idea that it is HIGHLY possible, my son (who is not that old) has mooned someone. Now, if you're reading this, you're probably rolling with laughter. Me, not so much!

It only gets better. Tonight, the boys are sent to bed, they say, "Let's have a pee war." (I didn't hear - Jared did. I would have stopped it......) Then we all hear, "AHHHHHHHHHH, you peed on me." So, all the things I thought I would never have to say, "No more pee wars." It's always an adventure at my house!


humming fun said...

You are not alone. Fuzzy and I were out with An older brother on his side. It wouldn't be right to name names so I'll just leave it at a older brother. His boy had a pee war in the master bed room. The house was very new. I have never seen his wife so made at the boys. So you are not alone with the pee war. I am GLAD to have one of each. They don't do that.

Jill H said...

LOL - gotta love boys! Growing up with 4 brothers pee wars happened a lot, I just hated having to share the same bathroom with them!
Yeah, I want to know which kids in the neighborhood are teaching them all the bad stuff (hope it's not mine)!

Kamerin Tangaro said...

I LOVE THIS....because...it means I AM NOT ALONE with raising two boys who think if you change any song to say the words poop, pee, but or weiner in it...it is much better than the original version!

And, my boys bathroom...well there is not enough MR. Clean to keep it smelling like it should!

Petersons said...

We had to tell Kohen that his middle finger always needed a friend up with it. And I HATE that his father and uncle have taught him that it's ok to pee in the shower! I can't believe they do that but I guess that's what I get for growing up with all girls.