Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween and Fall

We spent the weekend in Logan with grandma and grandpa. The kids had a great time. They raked up grandpa's massive pile of leaves and had a great time jumping into them!

We had a great night with lots and lots of candy! We went to a trunk or treat at the church - but since it was raining, we handed out candy inside. It was nice and warm and everyone had a great time - including Jerrick who hit every door at least 10 times. His candy load was MASSIVE! We headed home, they went to a few neighborhood houses and then called it a night. Poor Ryker - didn't even make it to his bed.... fell asleep at the top of the stairs. It was way too cute not to take a picture!
Ryker asleep on the stairs..... so cute!
After having a meltdown about being in his costume - Cannon finally fell asleep!
Monica and Gunnar (I mean Batman).
Cannon and Grandma. Cannon was a little happier since Gunnar gave him some chocolate - but if you looked at him the wrong way - crankiness appeared....
Cannon's MAJOR meltdown. Without a nap, he was very unhappy about being in his costume. He wouldn't keep it zipped up - so I put a safety pin in it. He was really mad and cried and carried on for almost half an hour...... 2 year olds......
Jaxon in camo.... He's trying to hide into the wall.....
Jerbear - Iron Man. He picked this costume because Grandpa and Tiffany LOVE Iron Man!! :)

1 comment:

Jill H said...

Too bad you weren't in Wendover for Halloween this year, Logan was Iron Man too and we could have got pictures of the "twins" like we did when Trev & Jax were both clone troopers which is what Logan will likely be next year, so if you still have yours, Jerrick should be one too. :)