Yesterday a comment was made to me that I should know not to take my baby to church - after all, he is only a week old. Now, I know that I am psychotic - I'm sure no one will disagree - seriously, I don't know how to do it any different. You can thank my mom for that. She was the one who never let us lay around the house and wallow in pity or complaining how sick we were. She would always tell us to get up, take a shower and we would feel so much better. As much as we all grumbled - she was right - I always felt better. I guess that's why when I was sick at school (or sort of sick at school) the person to call was not mom - but Grandma. Grandma was the one who sat you in the lazy boy and fed you chocolate milk shakes. I'm amazed I made it through elementary school without being sick more often (although I know I had my fair share!).
I guess that's why I find it irritating that people claim they are incapacitated right after they have a baby, or the baby can't be out in public due to germs - but I try to be understanding - I know that I jump right back in and there are times I should take it easy - but again, I don't really know how. It shouldn't take 6 weeks to bring your baby to church - after all, your older kids bring home more germs than the ones the baby could possible catch at church. It just really, really irriated me. My comment back was that I brought all of my kids to church right after they were born and they all seemed to make it through - in fact, all the kids rarely get sick. Hmmmm - maybe it has to do something with being exposed to all those germs.
Ultimately, it is your own choice and this is my choice. I am happy sharing my baby around - even with little toddlers. I figure - they grow so fast, we all should enjoy them when their tiny. Okay, okay - I'll jump off my soap box.