Sunday, January 25, 2009

Introducing . . .

We made it safely back from Reno - the weather was terrible coming home and we hit several areas with lots of slush - but we made it safe and sound, with a mountain lion that was still in one piece! He's found a home in the living room and will probably stay so we can keep a watchful eye to make sure no small child (especially the five boys living in my house) try to climb aboard! This has been two years in the making and Jared was very anxious to see and admire him! You have to admit - it really is cool - okay, maybe not cool in your living room - but I don't seem to mind. Years ago, I swore I would never have a dead animal anywhere in my house - now I have the smiling antelope that resides downstairs and a huge mountain lion that will sing while I play the piano!! How things change!

We took Cannon on our trip and he was amazing - except for his lame parents forgetting to bring a porta-crib with us and having no where for him to sleep except with us! He definately liked sleeping with mom - he wanted to eat every couple of hours. I can't wait to put him in his own bed!! I missed having uninterupted sleep!


Petersons said...

I know exactly how you feel...this is Kamerin's sister Heather by the way! I have a stuffed black bear in my living room. It was weird at first, everytime I walked in that room it scared me a little. Kohen has always loved it but he hasn't tried to climb it...yet.

Jill H said...

It looks a little scary - do any of the kids think so? I think if I just saw that out of the corner of my eye in a dark room I'd jump a bit. I just keep secretly hoping that Pete doesn't ever get a lion, elk, or trophy deer or antelope so my house doesn't become overriden with dead animals! It is cool looking though.

C&R Carter Family said...

Love the lion. Can't wait to get out there to see him. I'll bet the kids love him too.I'd always take him home with me if you ever need a place to put him.
Mom Carter