Thursday, September 18, 2008

More Pregnancy Updates . . .

Another week being pregnant has come and gone - which is good, although I am so ready to be done! The bad news is that I'm starting to dialate, although just to a 1, but things can change way too quickly! I'm already 30% thinned out and the baby is sitting at a -3 position. (I thought a -2 was as low as the baby would get before being here - I guess I was wrong!).

My parents were gracious enough to meet us at Knolls last night to bring me up to their house. It's been calming and it's nice to sit in a clean house and not worry about what needs to be done! I brought Ryker with me and he's been some good entertainment - that and my parent's dog, James. They were both anxious that I get up this morning, no sleeping in! Ryker told me, "It's light outside - time to get up."

My contractions have definately slowed down, so hopefully I'll be able to make it to the 25th, if not a little longer (I hate saying that) - but it would be nice to bring the baby home with me and not leave him in the hospital. I guess now would be a good time to start the 'Twilight' series. My sisters have all the books - and I have all the time in world!

Jerrick gets his staples out today - I'm not sure what Jared will say when I ask him to save them for Jerrick's scrapbook - he'll probably just roll his eyes and agree. By now, he's learned not to argue with a pregnant woman! Monica gets her bottom braces off tomorrow - hard to believe that she's had them on for 13 months - where does the time go?

We had an appointment yesterday with Gunnar's doctor and learned that he will continue to struggle learning how to read if taught the 'phonics' way. He needs a visual reading program. He excels in learning the visual way - and we need to focus on that. Basically he needs to memorize each of the words and not worry about sounding them out and putting all of the sounds together. It's a new approach for us to reading, but the doctor guaranteed us that it would help him read better and feel much more successful at school. Definately worth a try!


Kamerin Tangaro said...

I was going to suggest reading that series and you put it on your blog before I could tell you! Hang in there.....

Jill H said...

Enjoy your relaxing time while you have it. And be sure to let Jared know if he needs anything, we are just down the street.